
  • 基础释义
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  • n.

    计数( count的名词复数 );(按顺序的)数数;伯爵(欧洲一些国家相当于英国 earl 的贵族封号);(某物质在某物或面积中)量的计数;

  • v.

    (按顺序)数( count的第三人称单数 );有价值;数出总数;算得上;

  • counts
  • 更新时间:2024-09-20 23:06:20
    • 词义辨析
    • count, calculate, number, reckon
    • 这组词都有“数”“计算”的意思,尤其是count和reckon在很多情况下可互换,它们之间的区别是:
      1.count的含义是“数数目”; reckon则侧重“计算”。例如:
      I counted the broken windows and found there were eight.
      We'll have to reckon the cost of it.
      Because our family is happy and healthy, we reckon ourselves fortunate.我们很幸运,因为我们的家庭是一个健康、幸福的家庭。
      Can you calculate how much a trip to the Great Wall will cost?你能计算去长城旅游一次要多少钱吗?
      4.count和reckon多用于口语或日常生活; calculate多用于自然科学、生产部门或需要专门计算的场合。例如:
      Astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipses of the sun and the moon.天文学家能算出什么时候有日食、月食。
    • count up to, add up to, amount to, come to, run into
    • 这五个短语动词都是“总计”的意思,其差别很细微:
      1.从构成上说, add up to和count up to是动副介型短语; 而amount to, come to和run into是动介型短语。
      2.从主语上说, add up to和come to相同,均多为钱、账单、数目等; amount to和run into的主语多为loss, cost, expense, debt, sum等名词; 而count up to的主语则仅限It。例如:
      Our hotel bill added up to〔amounted to,came to〕 300 dollars.我们的旅馆费共计300美元。
      His debts amounted to〔ran into〕 over 3000 dollars.他的债务已高达3000多美元。
      It counts up to 300 dollars.共计300美元。
      3.从宾语上说, add up to, amount to, come to后一般接数字; 而count up to和run into后除可接数字外,还可接名词。例如:
      It counts up to a considerable sum.合计起来数目相当可观。
      Losses run into six figures.损失高达6位数。
      4.从使用场合上说, come to最通俗, count up to不常用。
    • 下面各组中的句子意思是一样的:
    • I count myself lucky.
      I count myself to be lucky.
      You count among my best friends.
      You were counted among my best friends.
      I count you among my best friends.
      Can you count from one to ten in English?
      Can you count up to ten in English?
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